I have to say one thing, the arrival of Berlusconi here in Prato, showed many sides of this city, showed the two sides which is divided: the supporter Silvio and those who are against it. I personally have not gone June 2 to protest against the arrival of Prime Minister, because I believe in a democratic country everyone has the right to speak, even if it is the person who is killing Italy. Also I want to clarify one thing, these acts of violence occurred during the meeting are to blame, because even though the demonstrators were not to provoke the police, however, what happened after they took the wrong, because remember well that the newspapers and the state spit on him before the police and declare it a bunch of fascists will always first blame the protesters, because this represents the order and if that waver from all feels entitled to do what they want. This is not to give reason to the police, indeed quite the opposite, I am the first to say that this has often wrong and provocative behavior and reactions, but only pay attention to these episodes of violence, we must not risk to be seen as troublemakers. But rather to change the subject back to what Silvio said to sin: tough fight to the phenomenon of Chinese army patrol. Very good industrial Pratesi have exploited the Chinese as long as you agreed, and now, after that you have taught the craft and all that is being sent into bankruptcy, you have the courage to complain and ask for the expulsion of these. Unfortunately it does not work for you, you did ask your comfortable exploiting cheap labor and now you pay the consequences of the fact we all pay. However, one thing is certainly true in recent years here in Prato there was a bit 'too permissive toward immigrants, but that is no excuse and not authorizing the Chairman of the Board to make certain promises. Of course another promise Silvio succeed could do: to rise from the foot planted and snoop on issues that do not know. Silvio you save us! Save Italy from your presence, I ask politely, go away!
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